I am adding this picture to my blog for a couple of reasons. One, I got a new dog named Kane, and this is him...Isn't he cute?? Two, my best friend Marina came out for my wedding last weekend..(thats her hugging my new dog...isn't she cute??)
I wanted to write about both of them because last week meant alot to me for many reasons. One, of course was that I got married, and the other was that my best friend put her fear aside and gave my dogs a chance. Although I know in her heart she didn't want to be afraid of them, the media will hardly let you not be. They are both pit-bull type dogs. (probly mixed with greyhound, presa canario, great dane and who knows what else!!!) I just read that she was talking to someone about them when she got back home, and she said "I was a little afraid to meet them at first, but then I looked into their eyes and I melted!!"
Of course my dogs can't change everyones mind, but they change many. This one probably meant the most to me. We miss you Marina!!! Thank you for everything!!